
tough love - a bliblical principal

"He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes."

Proverbs 13: 24

the loudest defense is silent.

the greatest defense is silence
speak not, but let the actions do the work

things mightier than this world need not it's people to defend with mere words
the wise thing to do is avoid a conflict.

foolish is them that antagonize the doctrine.
for it is sound, and in no need of human defense.

the validity of anything is NEVER proven through how well people defend it.
and to expect that is foolery.

"A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies. A scorner seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not: but knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth. Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge. The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deciet. Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour. The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy."
 - Proverbs 14: 5-10

"The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself. The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going. A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident. He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man of wicked devices id hated. The simple inherit folly: but the prudent are crowned with knowledge. The evil bow before the good; and the wicked at the gates of righteousness."
- Proverbs 14: 14-19

"A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies."
- Proverbs 14: 25

"He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly."
- Proverbs 14: 29


If cleaning were a drug...

...I'd be addicted!

I am so lucky!

I am so lucky 
I have great friends - which I'd never trade and they deserve so much more than I can give.
I have a great church - a Godly family that loves me enough to tell me when I'm in the wrong.
I have a great pastor - who preaches the word directed by God's inspiration.
I have a great family - that helps me through life, and teaches me to be a better person.
and above all
I have a great savior! - He loves me through my faults and helps me find my true way.

There is nothing I would trade for any of these.
I will never abandon any of them, or let any slip out of my hands because of pride.

I love my friends, my church, my pastor, my family, and my savior, and I will do anything to keep them in my life, even if that means taking the blame or punishing myself. 

The things you cherish most, are the things you'd be willing to sacrifice yourself for.


In our secret place.

When I pray
I know you're here
That familiar silence
The inaudible words
The air around me thickens
You speak with passion
And it fills my very being

With human senses
I am oblivious
But my soul and spirit feel your every touch
Those words which drive my hunger
Yet quench my driest thirst

"I love you"

I feel it
It's almost tangible
The words explode around me

And when I respond in our secret tounge
You swarm my mind
Shut out human sounds and  leave 
only that same silence
That comforting peace

Thank you
Thank you
For all you take away

for everything you do
is in demonstration
of those familiar words


Collectors Edition

I want to collect books!
(and everything book-ish. For example, bookmarks, library things, cool notebooks, book lights, book ends!....anything!)

I realized my love for them when I was at Barnes and Noble about 20 minutes ago and found myself wanting to buy EVERYTHING! I spent $100 there and I would willingly spend more if I could.
Books amaze me! They take me into another world, they keep me company when I am lonely at home, or bored. Everyone collects things...mostly relating to their talents. Well....my talent is brains! And, yes, being the nerd I am. I love to read. Non-stop. Sometimes I read so much I think my eyeballs will fall out!!

From here on out. If anyone ever wants to get me something. Let it be books! 
I'm going to put a list of the books I want, and have read. To keep track. Also so people can know what I like. :] 

I also like the idea of skoob points (Credit to Charity Wahler), that way you'll know what I would suggest to others!!!

I'm excited to start this lifelong endeavor!!

Sorry library....I may read your books, but it wont be long after until I buy it.


Disguising beauty.

My throat is dry,
my voice is small.

Water, water, the basic of life.
Where is this source, to quench the drought?

I see two wells.
One is lavished with jewels and riches.

The other is plain.

From where I stand, the waters of both look appetizing,
my intense thirst depleting my ability to judge.

As I walk closer, the beautiful well's water is tainted
the jewels distorted the light to make it look clean
but the plain well needs no distortion
the light seems to shine from the water
a luminescent liquid.

I take a cup of the shining water
and feel as if one sip has quenched me for eternity.

I see another traveler,
he feverishly gulps
trying to attain the beauty of the well from it's water
the empty promise.

He drinks until he is almost drowning in himself
his thirst is too great
and the water inadequate.

I call him over
and recall my journey
we once shared the same thirst.

He wants now to drink from the shining water
but his belly is too full!

A time to purge has come.
Regardless of the thirst, he drains the moisture from himself
to make room for the everlasting cup.

I see the comparison
of life to death
of outer beauty to inner beauty

Be weary of the beautiful well
for it disguises the tainted waters.

Be joyous of the plain well
because it has filled you forever.


I am a Protector.

INFJ to be exact ;]

My instinct is to mother,
to take charge over the lost.

To comfort the week.
And to protect who I love.

I will protect them, from the harms of this world,
as far as I am permitted.

I will shelter them from evils.
Do not come between me and those I love.

I will not stand to see the day when you and your manipulating ways will tear them apart and infect our unity.

With the blood of Jesus, and his Spirit living in me,
I will cover those around me with an impenetrable shield.

This is my prayer, that the blood may cover all whom I love, to keep them from spirits, and to give them a sensitivity to judge wisely a negative situation.
In the name of Jesus, I plead the Blood!!

Justice is unavoidable.

What you allow to seep into your mind,
Will seep into your heart.

What is in your heart,
will come out of your mouth.

What doesn't come out of your mouth,
will show through your actions.

No matter how long you think your mask will remain,
it will also fade.

You will in the end decieve yourself
by thinking your disguise is adequate.

All will see,
All will know.

Justice will prevail.