

I love it when smells and songs bring back times in life.

Like the smell of bonfire reminds me of summer.
How certain shampoo reminds me of camp.
It's so amazing how little things can bring you back mentally.
You feel the same contentment as you did then.

To those who...

Brighten my life.

Are always there to make me laugh.
Who make me a better person.
Who always seem to agree and understand with just one look

For those who have been through my worst times.

 And to those who can laugh with me about nothing for hours and move to a deep conversation
You have all been every one of those things to me, and I am so blessed for it.
Thank You. All of you, for being true friends all the time.
Some of you have known me since early childhood, and some are recent developments. But each one of you are very special to me, and I cherish you guys!
I love you all!!

Today is...

-The anniversary of my parents wedding!
-The last day of the shortest month!
-The beginning of a crazy week!
-A day when the beautiful sunshine outweighs the coldness of winter.
-A day to celebrate Jesus with all my brothers, and sisters in the Lord.
-A day to appreciate the quietness of an empty home. (In reference to the first remark)
-Today is a day that God gave us another chance!

Today is a day to embrace!
Today is the day for life.

Friendship is a two way street.

Friends are not something that you deserve, or just get out of nowhere.
You have to earn friendships.
Sure you can be friendly with acquaintances, but that is a shallow politeness.
Real friends are people you connect with on a deep level and have a mutual understanding with.

What that doesn't mean is:
-complaining about something your "friend" did, yet when you do the exact same thing, and when your "friends" point it out, you get upset and say they are unreasonable.

- making your "friends" feel like your problems are somehow their fault and expect them to do something about it.

- expecting something out of your "friends" that you wouldn't do yourself.

Friends are not something that starts at full trust and degrades when they "do something wrong"


Friends start a a base level and work their way up.
Usually that entails being nice to them.

There is a point of trust and connection that  yes, maybe you can vent, and complain, but that is not what friendship is for.

Yes, when your down, your friends should be there.
if you are taking your frustrations out on them, and becoming less of a friend and more like a therapy patient, that connection becomes one way.

You can't take advantage of someone who is close to you, by dumping all your crap on them and expecting them to do something about it, when you and they know they cant. When something is a personal problem that only you can fix, when you vent to your friends, all your doing is venting for the sake of hearing your own voice.

A real friend is someone who tries to genuinely help you by telling you what you need to hear rather than what you want to hear. That means, your a nice about it, and genuine. That doesn't mean:
-give them a guilt trip
-make them feel bad about themselves
- put yourself on a pedestal and have the "mightier than thou"  attitude.
because if you do that, your not giving them advice, you are unjustly judging them.

A real friend is someone who allows their friends to help them, and trusts them enough to  take their advice and maybe change some things.
    -Not get mad and react by thinking that person is trying to say your wrong and is attacking your life.

A real friend is an addition to your life. A privilege. Not a deserved necessity.
Your friends are there for you no matter what, but it is not one way.

You need to show the same respect and tolerance to your friends as they do to you.
You should never ever expect something out of your friends that you do not yourself do.

When your "frienship" gets to a point where one person is essentially hurting someone elses life and other relationships, that "friendship" is no longer a "friendship".

People need to stop being delusional about their lives, and man up to their own problems.

There is a difference between being there for a friend who's having a hard time, and complaining so much that the other person feels completely helpless in the situation and is afraid to even say anything because nothing is good enough. That is unacceptable.

So whenever you are feeling like your friends are betraying you, or may not be the best you expect.

Look at yourself and think....."Maybe there not being crazy...maybe, just maybe I am doing something to make them react like this."
Because if we were ever your friends at any point, that means your not completely crazy and untrustworthy.

We are not all bad people who don't understand, just sometimes we need to change some things in ourselves for a friendship to work.

Friendship is a two way street.
You can't expect your friends to change to fit you.
You need to change with your friends, and work things out civilly.
You will never change people, and if your true friends see a problem arising, they will tell you nicely, and if that person chooses not to change themselves to save a near and dear friendship.
Then are they really as good a friend as you thought?
- of course, you can't expect them to change something unrealistic about their lives to make you happy, thats not what I'm talking about.-

Being best friends doesn't mean you can take advantage of the fact that they will listen to you.
They are not your therapist. They are your friend.
That means, you try your hardest to keep them happy, and not pour your personal life situations on them, because it is not their burden to bear.

Somethings wrong, when an entire relationship becomes one trying to keep the other happy or the friendship will fail. 


Dear Snow,

I'm really sorry to have to say this....but....I think it's time that we take a break.
-A long one-
I do love you, don't get me wrong, but right now...this just isn't working out for me.
I'm sure you understand. I don't know what went wrong, you used to be so beautiful, and pure...now your all wishy washy, and turning to brown mush. I'm totally not into that.
I think this break will be good for you too!
You know, you can take a break from working so hard, and have a vacation!

Maybe after a while we can...you know rekindle the fire? Well....that may not be the best idea for you, but you know what I mean. Don't take it personally. It happens to the best of us.

The entire population of Western New York.


Psalm 145

"The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. The LORDis good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works."

Sometimes life isn't what you want it to be.
Sometimes people arent who you want them to be.
Sometimes you arent who you want to be.
But there is one who will ALWAYS be what you need and want.

Lately I've been having a really hard time letting go of things. Maybe it's because I grew up with a lot of hard-headed italians, or maybe it's because sadly, I have gone through things that I with I never have, and frankly, I have my insecurities. I'm not making a pity party for myself because there are definitely people who have had harder times, but this post isn't for my troubles, it's for my victories. Within the past couple of months, a lot of things have been slowly but surely happening to me.

I have been:
Feeling convicted - not guilty
Letting go - but not forgetting
Remembering - but only enough to remind me of who truly helped me through
Forgiving - even though it may not be deserved

Because, I don't deserve the life I have. No one does.
Not one person in this entire world deserves what they have, whether it be small or large.
Jesus is the only deserving one, and he loves us enough to pour out his grace and allow yet another chance.

I can't imagine what a disappointment I must have been at times, but I am beyond thankful that he waited just long enough for me to get back on track.

Today is the final step of realization as to who I want to be, and where I'm going.....in a sense.

I may not know what job I will have, or who I will marry, or when my life will really start.
But I do know that today is the day that the Lord has made, and I finally know how to fully show my appreciation for the simplicity of even waking up.

Tomorrow is the future, which I am  ever looking towards, but today is the most important day of my life.

and whenever today might be - it will always be the most important day of my life.


The Birth and Death of the Day

I wrote this as a response to the song "The Birth and Death of the Day" by Explosions in the Sky. Whenever I hear that song it's like an entire universe explodes in my mind, and I can see so many things. This is a very uplifting and emotional song. I decided to write down what i felt, or heard or saw as the song progressed. As you can see I embedded the song here so when you read this please listen and try to see where you can put the words with the music. That is my goal. To translate what I experience when i hear this, to you. :] Enjoy!

a whisper of change

the firmament
the seas
the explosion of light
the dawn of the day is creeping
the earth takes form
the beginning of life

i see a peace
through the blades of grass
i see the harmony begin

i hear the wind in the birds wings
i hear the rushing waters

the chain expands
the circle of life spins

but where is the master?
he is above and within
glorying in his creation
he is singing with the process

stepping back to see one missing piece

a handfull of dust
formed to a likeness
life sprung in perfection

and here we start
the spiral of life
twirling through the years
inventing and mastering the arts

beauty from everything
the master's handiwork continues to blossom
we reach a peak
at the brightest sun

fading into a blissful sleep
this is a new beginning

the means to an end
slowly mystery creeps

and yet the master knows
where is the need to mend


My New Friend/The Emerald Virtue

I always find myself with alot of things to say and not many people to talk to about it, so I'm considering this blog my new diary. 
-Lately, after a recent book I read, I've been very interested in the virtues of stones. 

I chose the Emerald stone for my title because its virtue is to protect lovers from unfaithfulness. If the heart was loyal, the gem would glow in a beautiful green color, but if the heart was went astray, it would turn a different, lifeless color. In addition, it was believed that wearing an Emerald would improve one’s memory and intelligence, enabling one to think clearly about the past, present, and future.

-This stone reminds me of what we, as christians, should strive for: to always be faithful to our Creator, and let his virtue improve our wisdom on decisions in the future.
- To help us think clearly,
and to most of all, let our light shine strong.